Magus Networker graphical reports illustrate the informal networks that are operating. Charts can be drawn depicting agreed, disagreed and denied working relationships. Charts can be drawn for current reality, and how people consider it should and should not be different. Working relationships can be expressed as non-directional or directional links - the latter are used to show the direction of flow of information around the organisation or through processes.
Once data has been generated, the database can be examined from just about any perspective. Here are a few examples. Charts can use the formal structures of the organisation, so that informal networks can be compared with formal structures. Other structures are user-defined or use Networker clustering algorithms. These can be individual or group centric, and display informal power structures and even individual networks.
Networks can be internal to one organisation, or equally can include people from many organisations. Typically, between 50 and 200 people in informal networks are engaged through Networker assignments.
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